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Publishing can be lonely, intimidating, and complicated. 

But it doesn't have to be.

I'm Rose

Publishing Matchmaker & Consultant

I work with authors, publishers, and freelancers to give them the tools or recommendations they need to achieve their publishing goals.


Community is the driving force behind innovation and progress in publishing. I enjoy facilitating introductions and connections within the publishing industry, whether helping freelancers find potential collaborators or matching publishers with suitable creatives and the just-right authors for that next must-read book. 

I help close those pesky knowledge gaps in the book publishing industry–ensuring authors and professionals can access the right connections and insights–so more books can make their way into the best hands.

Publishing Matchmaker & Consultant, Rose Friel

How I Can Simplify Your Publishing Path


strategies and steps to your publishing goals


with similarly-minded writers and professionals


industry trends and opportunities for your project's positioning


your team with short-term relief with vendor and project management


your toolkit of assets and resources to achieve your goals

Ready to talk?

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